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A Lost Kitten (Sea-anan Saga) Page 13

  He spotted a black kettle flying his way. He stared at it, speechless. John blinked rapidly thinking he was imagining it. It kept coming closer. The scent of vanilla penetrated his swollen sinuses. His limbs grew weak. That familiar warmth in his soul began to grow. It had been too long since the last time he smelled her. He inhaled deeply.

  Chapter 9

  “Good morning, Jasira. You look exceptionally beautiful today,” greeted Rau. His voice sounded deeper.

  John’s attention whipped to Rau. The man’s smile suddenly seemed predatory.

  “Is that a new dress?” Rau’s gaze moved up and down. “It fits you perfectly.”

  Rau was blatantly flirting with Jasira. John swallowed his growl. He glanced at the spot where he sensed Jasira stood. Was she flirting back? He forced his senses to work harder. He wanted to see her, to hear what she was saying. Alas, he could only smell Jasira’s delicious fragrance and feel her aura’s energy. It felt stronger. Was it because of Rau? Was she enjoying the compliments?

  John’s soul turned cold. His heart hardened. A deadly gleam entered his eyes as he regarded Rau’s many facial expression, each one more annoying than the last.

  “You always know what to say to boost a man’s ego.”

  John spotted the mischievous shine in Rau’s eyes. He evened out his weight on both legs. His need to pounce was great.

  “You are wearing my favorite hairstyle. It enhances your beauty so much that it hurts to look at you.”

  John’s growl escaped him. It was long and loud. His eyes were close to glowing. As he snarled at Rau, he asked, “What are you doing here, Jasira?”

  Rau switched his attention to Jasira. He nodded. “She said—”

  “I don’t need you to translate!” snapped John, taking Rau by surprise.

  Jasira lifted the kettle. They watched her pour the medicine into the mug she carried, then held the mug out to John. Without saying a word, John snatched the mug and swallowed the horrid concoction in three large gulps. He refused to shiver or gag in front of Rau. He thrust the mug back at Jasira.

  Jasira took the mug. John sensed her energy force leaving. Her scent faded. That’s it? No good morning? No kiss? No “where are you going?” Her aloofness toward him angered John more than Rau’s flirtatious manner.

  “She’s angry with you.”

  John turned to Rau and saw the man regarding him closely.

  “You will be much happier if you do not anger her.”

  “Oh, really?” clipped John.

  “She may have a long fuse, but her temper is explosive. Compliment her. Appreciate her. Show her your affection. That should keep her happy.”

  John’s lips pulled over his teeth. He had been seducing women since he was ten. The last thing he needed was advice from a guy who lived on a ghost planet. “Thanks for the insight. Can we get back to business?”

  “Of course. You wish to visit the Seeker.”

  “It seems I’ll need a ride.”

  “A horse?”

  A horse? He had no idea a horse could be found in this part of space. “Do you have one?”

  Rau eyed John more intently. “Have you ever ridden a horse?”

  Was he trying to be funny? “I know you did not just ask me that.”

  “Not many have ridden horses. Not many can.”

  “Do I look like I can’t?”

  Rau’s eyes traveled over John’s bulky form, dismissing it. He shook his head. “The outside package does not mean a thing.” He briefly touched his shirt over his heart. “It’s what’s inside that counts.” He met John’s glower with a question. “Do you have what it takes to deal with a Surrealan horse? I have seen the way you deal with a Surrealan woomuhn.”

  John growled. “Are you going to lend me a horse or what?”

  Rau tilted his head to one side. “Suit yourself. Follow me.” He cracked open the door to the barn.

  John entered behind him. The time it took Rau to close the door John’s gaze swept the area. The barn was enormous. It looked like a regular horse stable, only oversized. Each stall had a solid wood door instead of a rope or small gate.

  “This way, Seacat.”

  They walked along the main area. It was pristine, yet the smell of manure was so potent it made John gag. He covered his nose and mouth before Rau saw him. What a time for Jasira’s medicine to start working.

  John heard strange noises coming from the stalls. It sounded like something big was snoring inside each one. He followed Rau to the opposite end of the barn.

  Rau stopped and looked at him. “Are you sure about this? You can always walk to Bogdan’s houz. Or run. I have noticed you like to run.”

  “Just give me the horse.”

  Rau smirked. “Do not say I failed to warn you.” He turned to his right and walked up to a closed door. “This is my horse. My permanent mate named him Fluffy.”

  John’s eyebrows rose high. “Fluffy! Why on earth would you let her do that?”

  Rau paused in opening the stable door. He met John’s stare with serious eyes. “To keep her happy with me.” He opened the doors.

  John searched the dark interior of the room. There was a large, dark mass in the center.

  “Fluffy,” Rau called softly. He entered the room. “Wake up, Fluffy. I have a job for you, boy.” The snoring stopped. The shadow shifted. “Sorry to wake you so early, boy, but I have a favor to ask of you. A guest of the king needs a ride to Seeker Bogdan Lear’s houz. Would you mind taking him there?”

  John nearly started laughing. Was Rau for real? Who asked a horse to do them a favor? They just mounted the horse and directed it where they wanted to go.

  The shadow moved and grew in size. And grew. And grew. John’s smile vanished. Out came Rau. Behind him sauntered a beast.

  John took several quick steps backward, bumping into another door. The creature was as tall as the one he saw in the forest, only uglier. It looked like it was made of leftover parts. It had the head of a Chinese dragon. It stood upright on two powerful hind legs with two short arms in front like a Tyrannosaurus rex; it was completely covered in long fur. Behind it, dragging on the floor, were two serpent-like, pointy tails covered with large spikes.

  “This is Fluffy. Fluffy, this is Seacat McCall,” introduced Rau. The creature yawned. “Are you okay, Seacat? You look a little pale.”

  John snapped out of his shock and glared at Rau. He pointed at the towering monster. “That isn’t a horse!”

  “Welcome to Surreal,” replied Rau with a satisfied expression. “Do you still want to borrow my horse?”

  John snarled. What he wanted to do was strangle the man. “How do I ride him?”

  Rau guided Fluffy to the main entrance. He opened the double doors, allowing the monster out of the barn. Fluffy moved like a heavy dinosaur. John grumbled beneath his breath. He was never going to make it to Bogdan’s home.

  Fluffy stopped just outside the barn. His large eyelids were lowered partway. He was obviously half-asleep. He yawned. In his mouth, a Starfighter could fit with no problem. John swallowed.

  “All you have to do is climb onto his back and hold on. Do not pull his hair out or he’ll eat you.”

  John searched Rau’s face. Was he joking?

  Rau started laughing. “I’m just kidding. Wait here.” He re-entered the barn. He came out carrying a large amount of thick rope. “Here we go, fellow. Let me put this on you.” Rau placed the mouthpiece into Fluffy’s mouth. He then threw the rest of the rope over his lowered head. “Good boy.” He stroked the creature’s neck. “Thank you.”

  He turned to John. “He’s ready, Seacat. If you head past the docked ships, you’ll find a river. Follow that river upstream. The fifth hohmsted you come across is Star Seeker Bogdan’s land.” He nodded to his horse. “Fluffy will get you there safely. But be careful. If you do not stop him at the right time, you’ll pass the Seeker’s hohm altogether.”

  John doubted that.

  “Do not go too far out. There are cre
atures bigger than my horse.”

  John stared into the man’s eyes to determine the veracity of his words. This time, Rau was serious. John took a deep breath and rubbed his face, wishing there was an easier way.

  “I’ll get you a ladder to help you climb on.”

  “No need,” said John, lowering his hands.

  “You changed your mind?”

  John’s eyes narrowed at Rau’s hopefulness. “No. Where exactly do I sit?”

  Rau sighed and pointed. “See where the rope ends behind the base of Fluffy’s head?”

  John nodded.

  “That’s where you sit.”

  “There’s no saddle.”

  “You cannot saddle a horse. They allow you to ride them if you are of good spirit. If not, you approach them at your own risk. They are carnivores.”


  “Let him smell you first. If he determines you are worthy, he’ll let you mount him. If not, you’ll have to go running.”

  John pressed his lips together. He made his way to the front of the yawning beast. The creature noticed him standing there. John felt stupid, vulnerable. What was he doing standing in front of a giant, mutated monster with only a knife and a staff? He was definitely insane. Did he really need to do this?

  He glanced to his right and saw Jasira’s little house. He gritted his teeth. He was determined to get his answers. The creature placed its hairy face inches from John and sniffed. John kept his face averted. Fluffy’s face pulled away. John was still standing there, breathing. Was he going to be eaten? He peeked up at his ride. Fluffy yawned and licked his lips. Apparently not.

  John peered around Fluffy’s body to where Rau stood watching him. “Is he going to fall asleep on me?”

  “If you keep standing there, he will,” he retorted.

  “Fine.” John removed his staff from his belt and extended it. He used it to vault high into the air. He somersaulted, retracted the staff, and landed smoothly on Fluffy’s neck. He spotted Rau gaping up at him. Satisfied with his move, John clipped the staff onto his belt and took hold of the reins. “Giddyap, Fluffy.”

  Fluffy shot off like the wind. He leapt over the wall as if it was three inches tall.

  “Whoa, Fluffy! Whoa!” John held on for his life.

  The dry landscape zoomed past them. For a hodgepodge creature, Fluffy moved fluidly and without sound. Dark shadows passed them. The river materialized out of nowhere. Luckily, Fluffy raced upstream, for John was not in control. If he did not slow the beast down, he would miss Bogdan’s house.

  John pulled back on the reins with great force. “I said, whoa!”

  The creature slowed but did not stop. It was good enough. At least now John could see the ground. Six hours later, John pulled back on the reins after passing a fourth home.

  The Surrealan horse protested with a roar but eventually slowed and halted. John jumped off its side and walked to the front of the animal. It looked like no horse John was accustomed to seeing on Earth. Nevertheless, it was extremely fast. He had to give the misshapen creature that much.

  The sun beamed down on him. John opened his jacket and tugged on his collars. Apparently, there were no ghosts in the vicinity. He turned to the large house on the hill a few miles away. He had been expecting a small homestead. What he saw was a large estate. It looked like it was in better condition than the castle.

  John tugged on the reins. “Let’s go.” Fluffy snarled at him, but started walking.

  By the time they reached the property line, John was soaked in sweat. He removed his jacket and two shirts. He folded them neatly, piled them to the side, and removed his boots so he could take off one of his pairs of pants. After he put his boots back on, he picked up his clothes and easily cleared the high fence in one fluid jump. Fluffy simply hopped over it like a bunny.

  From a distance, John saw the front door to the impressive, three-story log building open. An elderly man stepped outside. He seemed startled to see John approaching and raced back inside shouting. Two younger men exited the house, armed and ready to defend their home. One of them was Bogdan.

  Bogdan lowered his weapon first. He spoke to the man beside him. The man was more hesitant to place his weapon in the holster he wore at his hip. They waited for John to near.

  “Seacat, welcome. I was not expecting you.”

  “I’m sorry to drop by uninvited.”

  “No problem. You did give my permanent mate’s ancestor a fright.”

  “Yeah.” John looked up at his ride. “Fluffy will scare anybody.”

  “He knows Fluffy,” inserted the man next to Bogdan.

  John met the man’s stony stare.

  Bogdan gestured to him. “This is my sisder’s permanent mate, Asher Starr.”

  The man had shoulder-length metallic-blue hair. He wore a silver chain around his head. From where he stood, John could not tell if the medallion had a pattern to it or not. The man’s eyes were of the same metallic-blue as his hair, with a speck of white light in the center. Around the eyes was a tattoo of dark blue waves.

  John recalled the men at the bar on Cerko. Those men had metallic-silver hair and eyes. The tattoos around their eyes were dark swirling silver clouds. Could this man be from the same race?

  “This is Seacat John McCall.”

  Asher nodded his greeting. John did the same.

  “Asher, can you take Fluffy to the barn while I welcome our guest?”

  Asher nodded. He descended the front steps on soundless feet. He paused in front of John and held out his hand. He was tall and athletic-looking, but not as tall as John’s six foot five. He measured up to John’s nose. John glanced at the medallion. It had a carving of flowing waves. He handed Asher the reins. Fluffy did not protest following him. John twisted his lips. He could not figure out why animals did not like him? It was not like he went around kicking them.

  Bogdan waved to John. “Come inside, Seacat, and meet my famuhlee.”

  “Thanks.” John climbed the stairs to the wraparound porch two at a time. He entered the main three-story hall.

  The second and third floors had open walkways that circled the main hall. Two curving staircases led to the second floor, one on each side of the hall. In between the stairs was the pillared archway that led to the rest of the house. There was group seating to the left and right of the room, each area with its own impressive stone fireplace. John looked upward and saw the blue sky. The ceiling was made of glass.

  “Aeysha, Emtage, come and meet our guest,” called Bogdan in the Medlothian language. He spoke to John. “I will have to translate. My permanent mate’s ancestors do not speak Earthlish.”

  “Oh, there’s no need.” John reached inside his shirt pocket. “I have a translator.” He hooked the device over his right ear and tapped the side to activate it.

  Bogdan smiled. “I should have known. You deal with aliens all the time.”

  “And not all of them speak Earthlish,” said John.

  “How many dialects are stored in the database?”

  “Too many to count.”

  Bogdan pointed to the small device. “I have need for one of those.” He shook his head negatively. “My brain can only learn so many languages.”

  John laughed.

  An old man appeared in the center doorway. He cautiously approached Bogdan with a woman who clung to his left hand. The man’s once powerful muscles hung loosely underneath his clothes. His handsome features were lined deeply with age. The woman was extremely thin. However, her striking beauty was still evident in her high cheekbones, well-formed lips, and barely-aged skin. They had gray hair unevenly streaked with red tresses and a single chain around each of their heads. Their eyes were clear and alert, metallic-red in color, and surrounded by tattoos of dull red flames.

  “This is Seacat John McCall of the Sea-anan Empire. These are my permanent mate’s ancestors, Emtage and his permanent mate Aeysha.”

  The elderly couple bowed their heads in greeting.

“Good afternoon,” said John, inclining his head. “I apologize for scaring you before.” The translator converted his words into the Medlothian language and clearly replayed them through his wristguards.

  Emtage bowed a second time.

  A door closed. John automatically sought the source. A lovely young woman made her way across the second floor open corridor and down the left staircase. She had long brown hair, brown eyes, and sun-kissed skin.

  Bogdan raised a hand to her, urging her to come forward. “This is my younger sister Audra. This is Seacat John McCall.”

  Audra smiled. “Welcome to our home,” she said in a soft, spoken voice.

  “A pleasure to meet you. Bogdan, this is an amazing house. From what I’ve seen in the city, and the homes I passed on my way here, I didn’t think a place like this was possible on Surreal.”

  Bogdan’s chest puffed with pride. “Thank you. This home belonged to my ancestors. It’s been passed down through five generations. Each generation added their own improvements.”

  “Our home was one of the very few spared from the attack,” added Audra. “We had to make minor repairs after the war, but we were lucky that the damage was mainly cosmetic. We were able to do the work ourselves.”

  “The rest of our race was not so lucky, including the king,” continued Bogdan. “The old castle and nearby villages were completely destroyed. A new location for the city had to be found. The king opted to build the city and the new castle near the only untouched building on Surreal.”

  “The house of worship,” inserted Audra. “It is now the school.”

  “Afterward, we surrounded the city with the walls. What you saw was as far as we could get with our limited funds.”

  “Did Yudit seek help from other worlds?”

  “Of course. But it gets complicated when all your wealth was lost in the explosions and the fires that followed. No one wants to work for free, let alone give away expensive materials.”

  John nodded his understanding.

  “Come, Seacat, I want you to meet my permanent mate. Excuse us, everyone.”

  Audra reached for John’s folded clothes. “I’ll hold on to these for you.”